Year:2022   Volume: 4   Issue: 5   Area:

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Kadhum Abdullah NAZAL AL-MAYYAHI, Azhar Mosleh Hamad AL_GBURİ


In our study, we dealt with the phenomenon of suicide between man-made legislation and Islamic law, where suicide is defined as a person’s self-destruction of his soul, willingly and intentionally, for a variety of different reasons, whether personal or external social, by using one of the means and tools that contribute to his death and getting rid of his life and thus Suicide is one of the complex human behaviors, one of the negative social phenomena that has spread and its rates have risen in many societies and countries, as a reflection of the change in many life situations, whether they are “civilized, social, economic and political.” Whereas the Iraqi legislator criminalizes the behavior of incitement and assistance to commit suicide, while Islamic Sharia forbids suicide, and the wise legislator confirms the severe threat to those who tempt themselves to commit suicide by the act of others, or the act of the person himself. The study concluded with a set of recommendations, including attention to the preventive aspects in education and work, through the various media and state institutions and bodies, in addition to the cooperation of all societal groups in the country, including all specialists, to monitor the phenomenon of suicide, and take serious measures to address it. Based on the foregoing, the research was divided into two preceding sections (an introduction that included importance, objectives, problematic, and methodology). The first topic was devoted to; To clarify the concept of suicide and its causes, and divided into two demands; the first; The definition of suicide and its images, as for the second; The causes and factors of suicide, and the second topic: the legal and legal position towards the phenomenon of suicide; It was dealt with in the first requirement; Attitudes of positive legislation towards the phenomenon of suicide, and in the second requirement; The position of Islamic law on suicide, and ended with the conclusion that includes the results, And recommendations, including attention to the preventive aspects in education and work and through the various media and state institutions and bodies, in addition to the cooperation of all societal groups in the country, including all specialists, to monitor the phenomenon of suicide, and take serious measures to address it.

Keywords: The Phenomenon of Suicide, Man-Made Legislation, Islamic Law, Human Behavior, The Wise Street

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