Year:2024   Volume: 6   Issue: 2   Area:

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  3. ID: 649

Mohammed Ali ALWAN, Nisreen mohammed HADI


Address the current research )The diversity of expressive contexts in contemporary graphic art) ،The research contained four chapters, the first chapter of which was concerned with presenting the research problem, which was determined by answering the following question: -What is the diversity of expressive contexts in contemporary graphic art? -Is there a diversity of expressive contexts in contemporary graphic art ? The importance of the research lies in shedding light on graphic art and its latest developments, forms and techniques. For the sake of the research problem, the researcher sought to set the research goal for the current study, which is (to know the diversity of expressive contexts in contemporary graphic art). It also included the limits of the research that determine objectivity: the products of contemporary artists, including materials (all materials and media used), spatial: and America, temporal: (2022 – 2023) . The second chapter contained two sections as follows: The first section: (The concept of expressive context in the contemporary world), and the second section: (Contemporary global graphic art). The third chapter contains the research population (25), the research sample, the research tool, the research methodology, and the analysis of the research sample (5) models. The fourth chapter contained the research results and conclusions, then recommendations and proposals, documented the research sources, and summarized the research in English.

Keywords: Diversity, Context, Expressiveness, Graphic Art, Contemporary.